Singing Guide: Mabel & Not3s

Singing Guide: Mabel & Not3s

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Mabel McVey and Not3s (real name Lukman Odunaike) recorded a smash hit in 2017, as they collaborated on "Fine Line." Mabel is known not only for performing her own songs but also for her commercial successes with other artists since 2017. She has a unique tone and style of singing, and her vocals can be enjoyed in many styles of music. Not3s started writing and producing at a young age, and he's known for his silky-smooth voice that blends well with Mabel's sound. Together, they create songs that are catchy, but they also showcase their unique vocal qualities. If you're interested in learning how to sing like these two artists and showcase their vocal techniques, here are some tips and tricks to help you get started:

  1. Vocal Range Test: Take the singing carrots range test to determine your vocal range. This test will determine your approximate range of notes and compare it with famous singers, allowing you to see what techniques you'll need to work on.
  2. Pitch Accuracy Test: Sing along with the singing carrots pitch accuracy test to assess your pitch accuracy. It's essential to be accurate with your pitch because it is what makes your singing sound polished and professional.
  3. Breathing Basics: Every singer should focus on breathing correctly as it's essential to producing a balanced and strong tone. Singing Carrots provides an article that covers breathing basics, including active and passive breathing. Monitoring your breath and ensuring you're breathing correctly will help you to sing like Mabel and Not3s.
  4. Open Mouth & Throat: Mabel and Not3s both sing with open mouths, allowing their voices to flow easily and freely. There's an article on Singing Carrots that explains how to open your mouth and throat while singing, which you should read if you want to learn to sing like them.
  5. Singing With Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking: Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking is a concept that both Mabel and Not3s embody well. They sing with their hearts on their sleeves while also using their practical skills to deliver a great performance. Learn to sing with emotion, and you'll be able to emulate Mabel and Not3s.
  6. Chest Voice/Voice Registers: Mabel McVey and Not3s both have distinctive chest voices, which they use to great effect in their songs. They both know how to support their voices correctly, making them sound strong and powerful. Singing Carrots has a video that explains chest voice and voice registers that you should watch to develop your own chest voice.
  7. Vibrato: Vibrato is a technique that Mabel and Not3s use to add a little flair to their singing. Vibrato sounds best when used subtly to add a bit of flavor to the singing. Learn how to sing with vibrato by watching and practicing the exercises in the Singing Carrots video.

To prepare your vocal practice, I recommend using Mabel and Not3s's "Fine Line" as a reference and possibly download the karaoke version, so you can sing along. Try to identify their unique vocal techniques, such as open mouth singing, chest voice, and subtle vibrato, and then practice them using the above linked training tools. As you get better, you can move on to other songs by both artists, including Mabel's "Don't Call Me Up," and Not3s's "My Lover." With time and consistency, you'll be singing like Mabel and Not3s in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.